Managing Political Risk

Our professionals around the globe have deep experience in government and commerce.

Reality often differs from received wisdom. We provide executives with clarity and situational awareness they need to succeed. Depending on your needs, this can range from rapid, Washington-insider perspectives on issues or events important to your organization to extensive research products that draw on privileged information from our networks in financial and political capitals. Our professionals and affiliates around the globe have deep experience in government and commerce. We have helped some of the world's most powerful people make crucial decisions.
Types of Engagements
Spot Reports
These are clear, concise and rapid pieces of research, deeper than a media summary, tailored specifically to your company, that help busy executives stay on top of political, policy and other developments breaking in the nation's capital.
Expert Consultations
We provide you with a framework to understand and manage your economic opportunity and political risk in foreign markets. We help you grasp fully the origins and probabilities of risk and reward, including the "on-the ground" political and economic realities.
'Deep-Dive' assessments
These extensive reports include current perceptions and insights as well as historical contexts that enable you to form a comprehensive understanding of an issue, industry segment or geography. They combine an executive-level synopsis with expert-level detail.